Ngo Van Sac - Journey with wood-burn art

Artist Ngo Van Sac shares about his journey with wood-burn art on national television VTV3.

Ngo Van Sac started exploring the art of painting on wood panels over ten years ago. However, upon reflecting on his earlier creations, he found that they didn't meet his high standards. Determined to push boundaries, he decided to take a bold step. With determination burning within him, he set flame to his previous paintings, watching as they transformed before his eyes. In the flickering glow and radiant hues born from the heat, Ngo Van Sac discovered a new perspective, a newfound life infused with artistic brilliance.

English subtitle is available.


Exhibition celebrates Life and Works of senior artist Phung Pham


Phung Pham’s artworks returned to Vietnam in collaboration with Vietnam Embassy The Hague